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          <rev user="Selinger" timestamp="2023-02-18T23:01:09Z" comment="Link to the strategy roadmap." contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Welcome to HexWiki, the comprehensive resource dedicated to the board game of [[Hex]].

Hex is a [[connection game]] invented in the 1940s that has gained popularity in recent years on online gaming platforms. With its simple [[rules]] and deep [[strategy|strategic elements]], it has captivated a growing audience of players who find the game both challenging and engaging.


Depending on your interest, some good pages to start exploring this site are:

* An overview of the basic [[rules]] of Hex.
* A look at the [[History of Hex|historical background]] of the game.
* The [[strategy roadmap]], which lists skills in the approximate order in which players should learn them.
* The [[strategy]] page, which includes further links to specific topics on Hex strategy.
* Practice your skills by solving some challenging [[Puzzles|puzzles]].
* Study [[Commented games|commented games]] to learn from experienced players.
* Information on [[computer Hex|computer-based versions]] of the game.
* Information on where to play Hex, including [[online playing|online options]] and [[Hex clubs|local clubs]].
* Information on [[tournaments]] and competitions for Hex players.
* Information on [[physical hex sets|making your own physical Hex set]].
* Information on [[variants using the same equipment|variations of the game]].
* Tips for [[typesetting Hex|typesetting Hex diagrams and boards]].
* Learn more about HexWiki itself by visiting [[About HexWiki|this page]].
* Join the Hex community by visiting the [[Hex forums|Hex discussion forums]].
* A [[Hex Bibliography|bibliography]] of books and articles about Hex.

In addition to the above pages, you can also browse our [[Special:Categories|categories]] and [[Special:Allpages|pages]] for more information on Hex.</rev>